Sunday, June 28, 2015

"Float On" Painted Canvas

Have you ever heard of the stages of change? If not, read about it by following the link, or view a quick image explanation here. I started this in February, when I was starting to think about some changes that I needed to make, and I finally completed it after I had put the changes into motion. This is a piece of art that I created that has a lot of personal meaning for me. While I was going through my own stages of change, these lyrics from "Float On" by Modest Mouse were a good reminder. We will, everything will, float on alright.

The song came on my mp3 player as I was driving one day, and every time it plays I think, "I really like this song!" I thought it would be fun to make something to represent it. I decided that a hot air balloon was a good representation of floating, being at peace in the clouds, knowing that the world keeps turning no matter what we are doing.
Rather than searching Google for an image of a hot air balloon without a copyright, I tried my hand at sketching one. Then scanned it into my computer to add the text where I wanted.

I had an 8x8 inch canvas which would be perfect for a standard size paper. I printed a flipped version of my image so that I could trace the lines with pencil and press it onto the canvas.

Then it was simple tracing with a paint marker and "coloring" inside the lines with acrylic paint.

I added the cloud at the end, because it needed something else to 'balance' it; and a cloud is also a peaceful representation of floating on.
I love how this piece is reflective of choices that I made in my life. I was finally able to finish it and be at peace with the changes that I
had decided to make.

If you have decisions to make, that you have been putting off, remember that change is
a necessary part of life (usually for the better) and we will all keep floating on.

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